Thomas Merton Resources

  • Abbey of Gethsemani
    [The monastery where Thomas Merton lived as a member of the Trappists offers extensive online resources. Among them A Monk's Day and Merton Resources may be of most immediate interest.]
  • Firewatch
    [Firewatch is dedicated to distributing information on the works of Thomas Merton and on religious contemplation in general. This group is affiliated with the Merton Research Consortium, a loosely coupled association of groups, centers, institutes, and organizations with an interest in the contemplative life.]
  • The Thomas Merton Society of Great Britain and Ireland
    [This site, maintained by Dr Paul M Pearson, provides information about the Society and its activities, other groups of interest to those who study Merton, and some links to additional Merton-related sites.]

    Studies of Relevance to Merton

  • The Meaning of the Contemplative Life according to Thomas Merton by Fr. James Conner, OCSO
    [An article published in in the electronic quarterly journal Research on Contemplative Life The author, who knew Merton, affirms that "everything that Merton wrote was a development of his basic theme of 'What is Contemplation?' Whether he was explicitly writing on prayer, monastic life, liturgy, the psalms or on civil rights, peace and war, nuclear disarmament or ancient cultures, he was expressing the fullness of the nature of contemplation."]
  • The Rediscovered Geography of an American Mystic by Alan Altany
    [Interprets Merton's life-journey in terms of the image of an internal and external geography. Concludes: "In a real sense he came to see Christian spiritual geography as a mystical one as he became more Christocentric and able to evaluate the worth of the world of nature and culture with a greater intrinsic incarnational theology. Mysticism had changed his flight from the profane world into a flight from fleeing that world." Published in the electronic quarterly journal Research on Contemplative Life.]
  • Thomas Merton's Monastic Reading of the Bible
    [Part of a series of brief statements on the theme of How Others Read the Bible by Charles T. Davis of Appalachian State University in North Carolina, USA.]
  • Some Thoughts on Silence by Kathryn Damiano
    [The author observes: "Thomas Merton claims that silence is our admission that we have broken communication with God and are now willing to listen. We can be reduced to silence in times of doubt, uncertainty, nothingness, and awe. When we have exhausted all our human efforts, experience the limitations of human justice, or the finitude of human relationships, we are left with silence. Those who have experienced the sacrament of failure are more likely to know the emptying power of silence."]


  • Thomas Merton Bibliography (Zos Imos)
    [A list of published writings, with Library of Congress call numbers.]

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