Mataji riding a cock. Contemporary image, (c) unknown but acknowledged

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Web pages designed by Mike Magee.
[email protected]
Original artwork is © Jan Bailey, 1996. Translations are © Mike Magee 1996.

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Hindu Tantrik Home Page

Accolades for the Tantrik Home Page

Thanks to the following organisations for reviewing our pages and finding them of merit.
Hindu Tantrik Home Page will tell you everything you never knew about Tantra, a spiritual tradition of India. The site is encyclopedic in breadth. Yantra, mantra, tantra and other material relating to the tantrik tradition are found here, along with an extensive bibliography, original English translations, and links to other sites.
The award criteria are original, rich and unique contents that are generally useful, and interesting design and intelligent use of web technology. We do not generally award commercial sites aimed at selling products or services.
Comprehensive guide to the ancient Hindu shastra.

Tantrika, a diverse spiritual tradition of the Indian sub-continent, is the focus of these well put-together pages. Includes numerous tantric texts in translation, a helpful glossary, bibliographic info, and links to related sites.
The Brittanica Internet Guide views this site as noteworthy. It says: Materials on Hindu tantra with a scholarly devotional orientation. Offers Sanskrit text excerpts with English translation and commentary, information about Hindu deities and their images, a glossary, and a bibliography.

You can view images of gods and goddesses, and even see their yantras (icons), on the Hindu Tantrik Home Page. English translations of tantric texts are dutifully reproduced in Adobe Acrobat format, and retain the original illustrations and Devanagari script. Newcomers to the study of tantra who may be baffled by the numerous Hindi names and words will be relieved to find the extensive glossary.
This award conveys the highest standard for providing a useful and high quality website. (A Reader's Digest site).
An incredible collection of hindu texts on Tantra translated into English.

Many Westerners are quick only to associate Tantrik Hinduism with the ancient sexual teachings of the Kama Sutra. Visit the Hindu Tantrik Home Page and expand your understanding of the very complex Hindu tradition and spirituality. Visitors can download Hindu tantric texts and explore images and yantras of some of the major gods and goddesses.
An introduction and linked glossary help you into a site that revolves around a huge list of topics that cover, in great depth, everything from Adinathas to Yonitantra. For a site of such depth the organisation and navigation are excellent.
British enthusiasts Jan Bailey and Mike Magee fashioned this hypertext window on the Hindu Tantrik tradition. Translations of Sanskrit texts (in Adobe Acrobat format) are included, with images of the various deities, and intriguing meditative symbols known as yantras. Rudimentary knowledge of the Tantrk school of mysticism and magic is assumed here. Yet, a glossary is offered for neophytes eager to understand, say, "The Gorakh Shataka" (an ancient dialogue between Gorakshanath and Matsyendranath), or proverbs such as: "Only when Shiva is united with Shakti does he have the power to create."

A very rich collection of information and documents on tantra and other materials relating to the tantrik tradition. For those interested in traditional tantra this is a wealth of information to tap into. The addition of being a beautiful web site only adds to its importance as a major resource on the internet.
Large site with glossary where you can download Hindu tantrik texts, view images of some of the gods and goddesses and look at their yantras (symbols). There are also reference material and links to related sites.
ClearingHouse approved
Compiled by Mike Magee. Rating Overall: Resource Description: 3; Resource Evaluation: 1; Guide Design: 4; Organization Schemes: 4; Guide Meta-information: 3

Artwork is © Jan Bailey, 1995. Translations are © Mike Magee 1995. Questions or comments to [email protected]

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