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[email protected]
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Hindu Tantrik Home Page

Tantrik Books

In response to a very large number of reader enquiries, we now have available a small number of translations and other important and authentic tantrik texts which we are able to offer to readers of this site.

We want to stress that this site is not a commercial venture, and any profits on these sales will go to pay for the substantial Web hosting costs we have incurred over the past three years, as well as contributing towards future expansion.

To order the books, please send international money orders or postal orders only (no cheques please), payable to Mike Magee, 18 Grafton Road, Harrow, Middlesex HA1 4QT. If you must send cash, please use registered post. For enquiries, and importantly for availability, please email Mike Magee before ordering. Prices include air mail postage and packing. Please allow 14 days delivery after receipt of your order.

We are also offering printable and editable PDF translations through this Web site. In this case, PDFs will be delivered by email immediately after remittances are received.

Because of the small size of this operation, we are unable to supply bulk copies of the books offered.

Kaulajnananirnaya of the School of Matsyendranath
Text edited with an exhaustive introduction by P.C. Bagchi. Translated into English by Michael Magee. Prachya Prakashan, Varanasi 1986. As well as having great importance in delineating major elements of the Nath tradition, this work shows that the Nathas were closely connected with the foundation of the Kaula schools. Matsyendranath is credited with being the founder of the Natha sampradayas and is also honoured as Lui Pa in the Tibetan traditions. Sanskrit text and English translation. 135pp, hardback. $20 inclusive.

Text with English translation of this important work of the Kaula tradition. 263pp. Hardback. $25 inclusive.

This is the first translation into English of Vamakeshvarimatam, one of the most authoritative and oft-quoted manuals of Shri Vidya, and one, furthermore, with a decidedly Kaula slant. The work consists of five chapters which cover the yantra, mantra, mudras, philosophy and practice of Tripurasundari (Lalita). Sanskrit text and English translation by Michael Magee. Published by Prachya Prakashan, Varanasi 1986. 60pp, hardback. $15 inclusive.

Shri Matrikabheda Tantra
This is a pirated edition of Michael Magee's translation of this alchemical tantrix text. The work, in fourteen patalas, is connected with the Indian alchemists, the Raseshvaras. The book is of a decidely Shaivite slant, but covers topics related to the Devi, including her secret worship and other topics familiar from the Kaula tradition. Sanskrit text not included. Indological Book House, 1989. 60pp, hardback. $15 inclusive.

The Amoral Way of Wizardry by Shri Gurudeva Dadaji Mahendranath 999
"Be it known that the high hyper archons are among you". This is a compilation of the major texts that Dadaji, 23rd guru of the Adinath Sampradaya, wrote through his lifetime. It includes the Tantra of Blowing the Mind, the Levogyrate Tantra, Sinistroversus, the Prophetikos, the Organon of the Magnum Opus, the Scrolls of Mahendranath, and many other manuscripts. It also includes photographs and other material, including the charter of Amookos. Ringbound, A4 size, 185pp. Printed in Sweden. $22 inclusive.

PDF documents (Worldwide Tantra Series)

The following works are only available as Adobe Acrobat PDF files. They are all professionally laid out in A5 book format, and are printable and editable. When your remittance is received, they will be emailed to you. All require the Adobe Acrobat reader, which is freeware. Suitable Devanagari and transliterated fonts are embedded in the documents.

The Magic of Kali: Inner Secrets of a Tantrik Goddess This work, by Michael Magee, greatly expands on the earlier Rituals of Kalika. Its nine chapters include material on Kali's mantras, yantras, images, pujas, hymns and armours, and also includes a first English translation of the Todala Tantra. It discusses in detail the inner tantrik significance of this great Tantrik goddess, including much material unavailable elsewhere. Laid out in book form, illustrated and with bibliography. Available only as an unlocked, that is printable and editable, Adobe Acrobat PDF file. 105pp. $15 inclusive.

The Yoni Tantra This is an English translation of an important Kaula work related to the worship of the yoni of the goddess. Many Western commentators have alleged that the "secret sadhana" was veiled by a twilight language, but the Yoni Tantra explodes this myth. Kaulas were the unlikeliest folk to mince words. This translation of the eight chapters of this tantra is an invaluable guide to inner tantrik worship. Laid out in book form, it is available only as an Adobe PDF file, which is printable and editable. Revised introduction and translation by Lokanath Maharaj. 30pp. $7 inclusive.

Ganapati Upanishad An English translation of an important upanishad devoted to Lord Ganesha. Ganesha is connected with the three gunas. His association with obstacles comes from the great strength of the elephant, the intelligence of the human and the subtelty or ability to penetrate small spaces like a mouse or rat. Laid out in book form as printable and editable Adobe Acrobat PDF file. Introduction and translation by Michael Magee. $5 inclusive.

Jnanasankalinitantra A small but lucid tantra which explores the significance of the mantra Om, as well as outlining the philosophy which underlies many Indian tantrik texts. Translated by Michael Magee, and with an introduction. Adobe Acrobat PDF format only. $5 inclusive.

Kaula Upanishad English translation of an important but brief upanishad connected to the Kaula tradition. In just a few words it outlines the essential nature of the tradition. Adobe Acrobat PDF format (printable and editable). $2 inclusive.

Artwork is © Jan Bailey, 1995. Translations are © Mike Magee 1995. Questions or comments to [email protected]

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