Surname: Fonda Given Name: Marc
Strategic Programs and Joint Initiatives
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council
PO Box: 1610
Ottawa, ON.
K1P 6G4
Office Phone: 613-943-1148
Email: [email protected]
Citizenship Status: dual citizen of Canada & the USA.
Language levels: French
Writing: B
Reading: B
Oral: B
Dissertation: Examining the new polytheism: A critical assessment of the concepts of self and gender in archetypal psychology.
Areas: psychology of religion, myth and symbol, gender in religion.
Minor in anthropology/archaeology.
2003. Results-based Management and Accountability Frameworks. Trainer: Natalie Kischuk, Ph.D., Program Evaluation and Applied Social Research. Ottawa, Ontario.
2003. Managing People Effectively: The Fundamentals of Supervision.
Performance Management Consultants. Ottawa, Ontario.
2003. Win-win Negotiation Skills.
Performance Management Consultants. Ottawa, Ontario.
2001. Project Management Certification Seminar.
Project Management Institute Ottawa Valley, Outaouais Chapter.
1994. “Teaching Large Classes Well.” Sponsored by the Department of Continuing Education and the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research at the University of Ottawa.
1988. Mittlestuffe I
Goethe Institut an Prien am Chemsee, Deutschland.
1981. Diploma in Graphic Design-Commercial Arts & Academics.
Crocus Plains Regional Secondary School, Brandon, Manitoba.
Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Assistant Director: Strategic Programs and Joint Initiatives
Responsibilities: supervising staff; providing direction for the future of Strategic Programs at SSHRC; corporate representation; acting in the director’s stead; conducting multistakeholder-community consultations in developing new research programs/agendas; preparing reports and letters for senior management; conducting policy analysis for presentation to Management, Standing Committees, and Council; representing Canadian-based researchers at government worksing groups and research networks; managing adjudication committees; participating in interdivisional coordination committees; participating in committees on electronic service delivery; managing jointly-funded grants programs; preparing Results-based Management and Accountability Frameworks; Other duties as requested.
November 1998-May 2002
Program officer: Strategic Programs and Joint Initiatives
Responsibilities: Developing and administering a variety of programs in support of advanced social research, research training and dissemination.
President, Graduate Student's Association des
Étudiant(e)s Diplômé(e)s University of Ottawa-
Universitié d' Ottawa 1993.
· Editor-in-Chief, The Internet Business Journal. 1996
· Research Assistant, Centre for the Study of Religions, University of Ottawa, 1989-1995.
May 2002-Present Assistant Director, Strategic Programs
and Joint Initiatives
Responsibilities: Developing a variety of programs in support of advanced social research,
research training and dissemination. Playing a central role in maintaining the integrity and quality of Council's peer review process. Supervising staff; corporate representation in various fora; contributing to the direction of the Ddivision and the Council; preparing ministerial correspondence as well as briefing packages and policy analysis for SSHRC’s senior management.
1999-2001 & 2001-2002. Executive member (Treasurer).
Local 70372 of the National Public Service Association of Canada.
November 1998-May 2002: Program & Development Officer
Responsibilities: developing Strategic Social Research programs at the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Responsible for informing, advising, and supporting potential applicants, grant-holders, university research offices, selection committees, chairs, and partner agencies. Developing and administering a variety of programs in support of advanced social research, research training and dissemination. Playing a central role in maintaining the integrity and quality of Council's peer review process through careful assessment and selection of external committees. Preparing ministerial correspondence as well as briefing packages and policy analysis for SSHRC’s senior management.
DUTIES: Managing grant programs, including:
Graduate Student's Association des Étudiant(e)s Diplômé(e)s University of Ottawa-Universitié d' Ottawa. Duties: CEO of the Association; manager of the Association's health plan; political liaison with university administration; oversee all business activities; oversee and manage the budget ($220K); Manager of the $150K Gradhouse project.
1991, 1994. Vice President of Communications
Graduate Student's Association des Étudiant(e)s Diplômé(e)s University of Ottawa-Universitié d' Ottawa. Responsible for all official communications of the Association; editing the Association's newsletter; editor-in-chief of the Gradbook; student-instructor mediation; Committee work: the University's Sexual Harassment Committee, the Library Committee, and the Bookstore Committee, et al.
Fall 1994 Sessional instructor “Witchcraft, Magic, and Occult Phenomena.” Department of Religious Studies, University of Ottawa.
May 1994: Instructor “Religions and Cultures” (Introduction to world religions). Department of Continuing Education, University of Ottawa.
Spring 1992: Sessional Instructor “Freud, Jung and James”, Carleton University,
1991-1992: Sessional instructor “Introduction to the Psychology of Religion.” Carleton University.
Fonda, Marc. “The Incubator Function of Strategic Programs and Joint Initiatives.” SSHRC, Ottawa, 2004.
Fonda, Marc. “A Management Review of the Oceans Management Research Network.” SSHRC, Ottawa, 2003.
Fonda, Marc & Krecivnac, Gordana. “Mobilizing Knowledge in Programs: An Informal Review.” SSHRC, Ottawa,
Collins, Maynard & Fonda, Marc. “Discussion Paper on the Future of Strategic Research at SSHRC.” SSHRC, Ottawa. 2001.
Fonda, Marc. “Postmodernity and the Imagination of the Apocalypse.” Under review as a book chapter for a new edition on Millenarian Theory. Centre for Millennial Studies, Boston University. (R) (I).
Religions / Globalizations: Theories and Cases. (Edited by Dwight N. Hopkins, Lois Ann Lorentzen, Eduardo Mendieta, & David Batstone. Durham & London: Duke University Press, 2001). In Journal of International Immigration and Integration. Spring 2003, 3:2. pp. 297-300. (R) (I).
Fonda, Marc. “Power in American millenarianism: The social gospel.” The Journal of Millennial Studies, 3:1, [Winter 2001]. ( (23 pp.) (R).
Fonda, Marc. “Discursive praxis and a return to the maternal body.” (Studies in Religion, 29:2 [winter 2000] pp. 133-146.) (R).
Fonda, Marc. “Towards an objects relations view of a polycentric self: The primary sources of Klein, Fairbairn, and Winnicott.” (Psychotherapy Integration: The Journal of the American Behavioral Studies Institute 2:1, [2000] pp. 1-23 (R) (I).
Fonda, Marc. (2002 [1995], manuscript under consideration for publication). Examining the new polytheism: A critical assessment of the concepts of self and gender in archetypal psychology. (Editions SR; 247 pp.). (R)
Fonda, Marc. “The heart of Oz.” (Newsletter. 1991:6. The Canadian Centre for Research in Women in Religion\Research Centre for the Study of Religion, University of Ottawa). (R).
Fonda, Marc. “Hillman's hearts: Changing metaphors.” (Newsletter 1990:5. The Canadian Centre for Research in Women in Religion\Research Centre for the Study of Religion, University of Ottawa). (R).
Fonda, Marc. “Whose symbols anyway?” (Newsletter 1990:4. The Canadian Centre for Research in Women in Religion\Research Centre for the Study of Religion, University of Ottawa). (R).
Fonda, Marc. “Symbology.” (Newsletter 1990:4. The Canadian Centre for Research in Women in Religion\Research Centre for the Study of Religion, University of Ottawa). (R).
Fonda, Marc. “The polyvalence of symbol theory.” (Newsletter 1990:3. The Canadian Centre for Research in Women in Religion\Research Centre for the Study of Religion, University of Ottawa). (R).
Fonda, Marc. “High-end Security: The Investigation of Fraud and Financial Crime.” (Workshop Facilitator. In Search of Security: An International Conference on Policing and Security. Montreal, February 19-22, 2003) (I).
Fonda, Marc. “Genomics Policy Development.” (Panel Chair. GE3LS Winter Symposium. Montreal, February 6-8, 2003) (I).
Fonda, Marc. “The Future Research Agenda on Social Cohesion.” (Breakout group facilitator. Social Cohesion Workshop. Ottawa, February 15-16, 2002). (I).
Fonda, Marc. “Writing Successful Research Grants Applications.” (Presenter. Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation’s Health Policy Research Workshop Halifax, September 25-26, 2001). (I).
Fonda, Marc. “Social Cohesion and the Politics of Identity.” (Workshop respondent. Ottawa, June 1, 2001. Policy Research Secretariat and the Social Cohesion Research Network). (I).
Fonda, Marc. “Cross-Fertilization: What the Feminist Psychology of Religion and Archetypal Psychology can Learn from one Another.” (Psychology of Religion panel of the Annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Religion, Université Laval. May 24th, 2001) (R).
Fonda, Marc. “Power in American Millenarianism.” (“Millennialisms in the Americas” panel of the 2000 Eastern International Regional Conference of the American Academy of Religion at Syracuse University. April 8th, 2000) (R).
Fonda, Marc. “Religion and the Internet (Part I and II).” Panelist. CHRO TV show “In Good Faith.” May 1996).
Fonda, Marc. “Problems that the New Media bring to the Study of Religion.” (Eastern International Regional Conference of the American Academy of Religion at Lemoyne College, Lemoyne, N.Y. April 12, 1996) (R).
Fonda, Marc. “The Occult and Paganism: An Inductive Ahistory of a Phenomenon.” (Ottawa Historical Association, November 5, 1994). (I).
Fonda, Marc. “Postmodernity and the Imagination of the Apocalypse.” (“Religious Studies and the Apocalypse” panel, April 22, 1994. Eastern International Regional Meeting of the American Academy of Religion, Montréal, PQ) (R).
Fonda, Marc. “The Uses of Pleasure in Textual Manipulation: How Freud's Notions of the Pleasure Principle and the Dream Work can Affect the Alteration of Redactive Material.” (Annual convention for the Canadian Society for the Study of Religion—the Psychology and Religion Panel. 1991) (R).
2001-2003. SSHRC Member to the Prairie Centre for Excellence on Immigration and Integration (Edmonton Metropolis Centre) Board of Directors.
2002-2003. SSHRC Member to the Joint Centre for Excellence on Immigration Integration and Settlement (Toronto Metropolis Centre) Board of Directors.
1999-Present. Member of the Interdepartmental the Social Cohesion Research Network and the Workshop Planning Committee.
2000-2003. Member of the Interdepartmental Working Group on Ethics and Public Confidence in Biotechnology.
“Where Theory Meets Practice in Collaborative Problem Solving.” Member of Advisory Committee for this Hewlett Corporation sponsored international research project lead by Julie McFarlane (Dept. fo Law, University of Windsor) and Bernie Mayer (CDR Associates, Boulder CO, USA) on the use of theory in dispute resolution as it appears in training in dispute resolution practices related to public policy development.
Towards an Aesthetics of Self. Research for manuscript nearing completion .
Apocalot America: The Relationship of Power, Technology, and Media in American Millennial History. Manuscript in revision. (~450 pp.).
1995-2001 Research Associate, Centre for the Study of Religion, University of Ottawa.
Areas of research interest: Internet cultures, popular culture, millenarianism,
depth psychology, and gender issues. Providing technical and editorial support.
1996-2001 Founding member of CICCS, an intercultural communications research group associated with the University of Ottawa and the emerging Centre for Intercultural Research.
1989-1994 Research assistant to the Centre for the Study of Religion, University of Ottawa.
1984-1986 Archaeological field worker and laboratory assistant, Brandon University, (Brandon, Manitoba).
Fonda, Marc. “Apocalypse now, please.” (Opinion editorial in the Ottawa Citizen, April 11, 1999. 1200 words).
Fonda, Marc
& Strangelove, Michael. “Military historians find modern technology great
guide to the past.” (Vanguard.
Ottawa. Volume 2, Number 4: 20-21).
Fonda, Marc. “Playing the Internet.” The Internet Business Journal July 1996 3(7). Strangelove Internet Enterprises).
Fonda, Marc. “Marketing engineering on the Web.” The Internet Business Journal July 1996 3(7). Strangelove Internet Enterprises.
Fonda, Marc. “Advertising, marketing and public relations e-zines.” (Internet Business Journal July 1996 3(7). Strangelove Internet Enterprises).
Fonda, Marc. “Marketing toys on the Internet.” (Internet Business Journal July 1996 3(7). Strangelove Internet Enterprises).
Fonda, Marc. “The Gulf War, IBM, and public relations.” (Internet Business Journal June 1996 3(6). Strangelove Internet Enterprises).
Fonda, Marc. “Information technology and public relations.” (Internet Business Journal June 1996 3(6). Strangelove Internet Enterprises).
Fonda, Marc. “Online public relations resources.”
(Internet Business Journal June 1996
3(6). Strangelove Internet Enterprises).
Fonda, Marc. “Marketing public relations on the
Web.” (Internet Business Journal June
1996 3(6). Strangelove Internet Enterprises).
Fonda, Marc. “Researching military history on the Internet.” The Internet Business Journal June 1996 3(6). Strangelove Internet Enterprises.
Fonda, Marc. “Digital does money.” (Internet Business Journal May 1996 3(5). Strangelove Internet Enterprises).
Fonda, Marc. “Marketing financial firms on the Internet.” (Internet Business Journal May 1996 3(5). Strangelove Internet Enterprises.)
Fonda, Marc. “The Internet as an investment information tool.” (Internet Business Journal May 1996 3(5). Strangelove Internet Enterprises).
1996-1997 Editor-in-chief, The Internet Business Journal, Strangelove Internet Enterprises.
1992-1994: Editor-in-chief, Gradbook (Published by the Graduate Student's Association des Étudiant(e)s Diplômé(e)s University of Ottawa).
1992-1994: Editor-in-chief, Bulletin (Published by the Graduate Student's Association des Étudiant(e)s Diplômé(e)s University of Ottawa).
1991-1993 English Editor, Newsletter (peer-reviewed, published by the Canadian Centre for Research in Women in Religion/Canadian Centre for the Study of Religion. University of Ottawa).
1989-1991: Assistant Editor, Newsletter (peer-reviewed, published by the Canadian Centre for Research in Women in Religion/Canadian Centre for the Study of Religion. University of Ottawa).
I understand and read German with fluency. Other language skills include the completion of beginner-intermediate level courses in Hellenistic Greek and Sanskrit as well as 5 months of instruction in French at various language schools in Ottawa resulting in a competence level of BBB.
Personal interests include: writing, reading, and research; song writing, recording and performance; painting and sculpture; and, other imaginative activities. Preferred sports include: participation in cultural activities as well as camping, skiing, swimming, tennis and biking. I am also rated as a sous chef with specializations in Cal-Mex and Thai cuisine.
© Marc Fonda. All rights Reserved.
Page last updated: March 29, 2004.