Our selection of 4 foreign novels not to be missed

Our selection of 4 foreign novels not to be missed

American Mother Courage

American Mother, by Colum McCann, with Diane Foley, Ed. Belfond, 208 pp. ; €21.90.

We open this book knowing that it will take us to dark places. The great Irish novelist Colum McCann tells the story of Diane Foley, whose son, James, a journalist, was murdered by ISIS in 2014. The sentences are short, the style tight, the urgency of writing obvious. But this story also transports us to a land of humanity. Diane Foley demonstrates great lucidity, deep faith and immense courage, determined to meet her son’s killers and to understand. The text reveals dazzling power and rare intelligence. A vibrant lesson in brotherhood. IV

Our opinion: PPP

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