Pourquoi Le Bouddhisme Est-il Important Dans L’histoire ?

Why Is Buddhism Important In History?

From the beginnings of Buddhism to the present day, this religion has spread all over the world. Buddhism appeared in India around 5000 years before our era, and moved from East to West. Everywhere in its country, its region or its city of establishment, it is in full growth.

How did Buddhism find its place in the history of religion?

Buddhism throughout history

The monk who translated the Lotus will translate it from Sanskrit into other languages, including Chinese, is called Kumarajiva. He carried out the translation around the year 400 in Chang’an and also contributed to the sharing of these texts once translated. These sacred writings number about 2,000 and are distributed throughout Vietnam, Central Asia and Korea.

About 550 years later, the Japan was the country receptive to Buddhist currents and writings. His introduction was made by the then Korean Ambassador who was on assignment in the country. A new religion at the time, Buddhism was adopted by many Japanese after a civil war and is still practiced today. At the same time, schools were created in China. Moreover, around 3 or 4 centuries AD, under the Hindu Gupta dynasty, Buddhism lost its prestige in India, then in 1956, the religion regained its place in its Native India.

A significant event in the history of Buddhism is the conversion of a political figure of the time. This is Bhimrao Ambedkar.

In the context of conversion, many Westerners began to do so soon after the Second World War, around 1945. This is the anchor for the establishment of infrastructures such as monasteries and universities in the Tibet and in South East Asia.

Baskets, anchor of Buddhist history

The Buddhist basket is the set of values ​​that govern the religion. There are three: discourse, discipline and knowledge. The peculiarity of this trio is that all three are part of precepts of the Buddha and pass on his teachings. Here is a brief description of each item:

  • Speech : This basket emphasizes the importance of the five aggregates and the Four Noble Truths which are suffering, the origin of suffering, the cessation of suffering and the path that leads to suffering. It also includes Buddha’s texts and sermons, called “sutras”;
  • Discipline : This basket protects human beings from evil temptations such as immoral conduct, sex and attachment to an object or person;
  • Awareness : This basket is characterized by several elements related to emotion such as impermanence, desire, the non-existence of the “me” and especially suffering. The latter is at the heart of Buddhist teaching. This involves the notion of personal awareness towards others and our environment.

Buddhism, object of religious fanaticism

Buddhism is the most widespread religion in all four continents, including Asia, Africa, America and Europe. It has become an essential practice and a religious symbol wherever it is established. Both lay people and new practitioners have faith in these practices and in this spirituality itself. Like Christianity, Buddhism also has its own principles and can be divided as follows:

  • Traditional Buddhism : It is the ancient form of Buddhism which highlights the teachings, practices, traditions and beliefs compatible with those of the Buddha. Also called original Buddhism, it is the initial form of Buddhism and it is close to primitive Buddhism;
  • Nikaya Buddhism : also called Theravada Buddhism, the doctrine marked several histories, including the establishment of the first schools of Buddhism. It reflects and propagates the teachings of Siddharta Guatama, known as the historical Buddha. This current conveys certain principles such as the importance of introspection, that is to say, learning to know oneself, to control one’s thoughts and actions;
  • Mahayana Buddhism : The teachings of Buddha take on a new dimension and advocate the doctrine. This principle takes into account criticism, reasoning and philosophy and places truth above all else. Moreover, this type of Buddhism is a figure of Zen Buddhism, that is, nothing is important except the search for wisdom and truth.

The history of Buddhism through nirvana

THE nirvana is part of the history of Buddhism and is a fundamental element of this religion. In other words, it’s themain objective of buddhists. Their existence is marked by the quest for absolute truth, which is nirvana. By definition, it is the state of Buddha, that is, when Buddha is enlightened, he has realized the truth about life and the universe. He is the only being to have undergone the cycle of Samsara because when he made his life, he broke the phenomenon of reincarnation. He ceased to be born and reborn.

This stage determines the degree of enlightenment of the Buddha, he has reached nirvana. It has become the referent of Buddhists and all those who want to be at peace with themselves and free themselves from the cycle of Samsara. He taught his disciples the importance of self-knowledge and the refusal of desire.

The opening of the Buddhist religion

For more than a decade, Buddhism has spread in the West. Many people are convinced by the Buddhist precepts and are seduced by its practices. Therefore, this religion has become a kind of practice in its own right in some communities. Buddhism developed through its pursuit of truth and wisdom, and through one of meditation practices. Indeed, known as Tibetan meditation, this approach ensures the religion’s popularity among all, Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike.

Part of the great history of religion throughout the world, Buddhism is loved by vegetarians, zazen enthusiasts and many others. Due to its practical aspect, it is focused on personal development and fulfillment.

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