The new alarming report from Secours catholique on poverty in France, particularly that of women
Single mothers represent a quarter of the households encountered by Secours catholique
Single mothers are the profile most often encountered by Secours catholique. They represent 25.7% of households, just ahead of single men (25%) and single women (20.9%). The number of single mothers who go to Secours catholique has been constantly increasing for twenty years.
For the association, this poverty is explained by the insufficiency of the measures taken in their favor. “They are more often active than other categories of households, but the income they receive from their employment or unemployment is not enough to provide for the needs of their children.”
More than nine out of ten foreign single mothers, as well as their children, live below the extreme poverty line
Among single mothers, the share of foreign women is increasing. Their vulnerability is mainly explained by a precarious administrative status (undocumented or awaiting regularization) keeping them away from employment. Only 11% of them work and the vast majority of them are “inactive” (75%).
For Secours catholique, “the situation of single mothers of foreign nationality is particularly alarming”: 46% of them receive no financial resources and more than half do not have stable housing (they most often reside in emergency centers). accommodation or in a furnished room).
The arrival of women and children who fled the fighting in Ukraine in 2022 explains only half of this increase.
Growing numbers of older women
This year’s report highlights that, over the past decade, the population that uses them has tended to age. The share of people over 60 has increased from 6% to 13% in ten years.
Among these seniors, women are once again affected. Those over 55 and over represent a little more than one in ten women welcomed by Secours catholique. Often penalized by broken careers (precariousness of jobs and possible periods of unemployment and inactivity), they receive insufficient retirement pensions.
“In addition to these financial difficulties, many of them have health problems, a consequence of their aging and their often complicated career path,” underlines the association. “Finally, the distance from the job market, for the youngest of them, the absence of a partner, the departure of children and the location of their accommodation make them more vulnerable to isolation.”
18 euros to meet all their needs
In a context of high inflation on food and energy, the living conditions of people hosted by Secours catholique will decline significantly in 2022. 95% of people among them are below the poverty line, estimated at 1,211 euros in 2022
The median standard of living fell by 7.6% in one year. It stands at 538 euros per month in 2022 compared to 579 euros in 2021, or 18 euros per day to meet all your needs, including housing. This is less than half the poverty line.
More than half of households request listening before receiving food aid
The first request addressed by people to Secours catholique always remains listening and support. 57% of households express this need as it is hard to face all these difficulties alone.
The request for food aid comes immediately after (51%) and has increased by one point since 2021. It is then the requests for help to pay rent and energy bills which are the most frequent (19%) .
The association emphasizes that, since 2020, requests for assistance in paying bills related to rent, energy and water have increased significantly.
Figures from the Secours catholique poverty report – Caritas France
- 25.7% of households encountered at Secours catholique are isolated women.
- 49.5% of people met are foreigners (34% with status, 35% awaiting status and 31% without papers).
- One in ten women welcomed by Secours catholique has over 55 years old.
- People who come to Secours catholique have on average 18 euros per day to meet all their needs. This is more than one euro less than in 2021.
- 57% of households received express a need to listen.
>>> To discover the report in full, click here.