an association arouses the enthusiasm of middle school students for manual work

an association arouses the enthusiasm of middle school students for manual work

What studies do you need to do to be a jeweler? Ismel, 13 years old, fourth grade student at Le Parc college, in Dijon (Côte-d’Or), bombards the speaker with questions. Among around thirty classmates, the student wants to know if “these jobs allow you to earn a lot of money”. Alongside a shoemaker and a ceramist, jeweler Bérengère Humbert responds and presents in a few words the ten workshops offered today by the De l’or dans les mains association. The speaker insists to the students, drawing on her experience as a former converted teacher: “Don’t put pressure on yourself about your future. Either way, you will have several jobs during your life. »

9 a.m. is time to put it into practice. Jordan chose linocut. A new word for him. This process allows him to print patterns for artistic purposes for illustrated books, postcards or posters. The workshop consists of making a small stamp. To make work easier, the linoleum is replaced by rubber, a softer material. “Oh, it’s hard,” exclaims Jordan, dutifully curled up on his tracing paper. Once the students have transferred the pattern onto their eraser, Chloé Mombelli, the instructor, distributes gouges, sharp instruments. A few minutes later, the schoolboy gets up and throws his blonde locks back: “I’m done, I’m too strong, I’m going to do this job!” » Chloe points out that her finger is bleeding. “It doesn’t matter, it’s the job that comes in!” » assures Jordan boldly. This first workshop has already made him gain confidence: one of the objectives of the day has been achieved.

Reveal talents

On the first floor, Bérengère, the jeweler, helps each of the young apprentices make a pendant. Recycled copper modeling clay, cookie cutters, olive oil, mini rolling pin: the ingredients and tools are almost like a cooking recipe. Once the session is over, she will take the objects to bake them in her professional oven at 970°C, sand them then polish them before bringing them back to them as souvenirs. “It’s difficult,” breathes Gratienne while working. You have to be meticulous and I’m not too careful…” She says she’s not sure she wants to practice a manual profession. “Maybe a hairdresser,” she adds.

The Dijon college is one of the first in the region to have called on De l’or dans les mains, from 2022, a year after the creation of the association. This owes a lot to the personal journey of its principal, Jean Bondu, a bachelor in mechanics, holder of a DUT in IT and management, before becoming a technology teacher. There is also the commitment of Marie Vitorino, the Spanish teacher, “job discovery” referent. “Our young people, in general, do not have enough information about manual professions,” she laments. They often think of prestigious studies to become a lawyer or doctor, while professional sectors are full of prospects. So many students encounter difficulties, while their real talents are just waiting to be recognized. »

Know to choose better

End of the break, return to the workshops. In the wool room, fourth grade students learn how to use a spindle. Amélie Moreau, also a sheep shearer, brought wool from her flock. The students make threads. They learn that with mechanical force, they can give “resistance” to matter that had none before being transformed. Here is the school of patience and perseverance.

Jean Bondu is satisfied with how the morning went. Even if this professional path will later only concern a minority of students, at least it is “a real choice and not a default orientation”. The young people show their involvement, going beyond schedules to complete their work. In a few days they will share the fruits of their labor with their main teacher. New horizons will perhaps open up for some. A proposal which is part of the educational project of the establishment, which wishes to make students “not consumers of knowledge but actors in their own right”.

Recipes for success

  • Preparation. The middle school students prepare these interventions from the De l’or dans les mains association with a teacher. Their work is based on an educational kit: a workbook offering calculation exercises, comics and games.
  • Partners. Prefectures and departmental councils are mobilized to help the association find funding, premises and connect colleges and local craft businesses.
  • Skills. The participating craftsmen are chosen after an interview, according to criteria of competence, links with usual school teaching and ability to transmit their taste for the profession.

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