"Can I become a host family while continuing my activity?"

“Can I become a host family while continuing my activity?”

The point of view of Muriel Lacroix-Pringarbe, committed entrepreneur

You are right, dear Fabienne, France is sorely lacking in family assistants. You should know that the path to becoming one is long, one year on average. After describing your project to the general council which awards approvals, you will meet educators, psychologists and advisors who will assess your ability to hold the position and your availability. Training will follow allowing you to pass the state diploma. Then you can choose to be a permanent assistant, on a temporary basis (especially weekends and school holidays) or an emergency family assistant (here, it means being available 24 hours a day). Keeping another activity only seems possible to me if it is carried out at home. And on an ancillary basis, because you will have to provide school transport, meetings with teachers or the child’s regular appointments with health professionals and social workers. Not to mention the trips to take him to visit his family of origin, if necessary. If this is your project, talk about it during your accreditation process and the general council will assess the compatibility of the two professions. Beautiful journey, Fabienne!

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