For its 150th anniversary, Le Pèlerin honors its readers
We must associate our readers with this anniversary! One Tuesday morning at the editorial conference, the idea imposed itself with the force of evidence: those who are the raison d’être of Le Pèlerin must be at the heart of this issue which marks the 150th anniversary of the weekly. . A central place that has been theirs since the origins of the newspaper. Subscribers for the vast majority of you, long-time faithful – there are many families who pass the weekly on from generation to generation – and new readers, you are spread across the whole of the national territory. On the podium of representativeness by region, the Pays de la Loire occupy the first step, followed by Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes. As for the number of copies in circulation on the scale of a department, it is the North which holds the absolute record. Even this data does not account for the chain of relatives, friends, neighbors or acquaintances to whom you send the copy received at the start. Because you are very willing readers.
Farmers, craftsmen, traders, caregivers, teachers, entrepreneurs, active or retired, volunteers in parishes or associations, lay or religious, local life is your business. Your commitment takes on a thousand faces, depending on the periods of life, affinities and solicitations. Because, as soon as you are able to do so, you answer “present”.
Present for your families, your entourage or to support the most deprived. Present to take care of the legacy of previous generations, whether heritage, memory, values, faith, and pass it on in turn. Present when we tried to contact you for this dossier, asking you to share what concerns you, your doubts, your expectations, what drives you and what you wish for a child born today.
Dear readers, we know your natural discretion. So, thank you to Christophe, Anne, Claude, Jacky and Arlette, Paul, Sandrine and Régine who agreed to testify on behalf of all those who choose Le Pèlerin to move forward