“I am fascinated by Sherlock Holmes”

“I am fascinated by Sherlock Holmes”

In Avignon this summer, you will play The art of not saying. Make our mouths water…

On stage, I play the communications advisor to a President of the Republic who ousted him. To take revenge, this advisor uncovers the underbelly of the campaign. In interaction with the public, I wonder: when wooden language reigns in politics, what becomes of the democratic ideal?

A character that you dream of portraying?

Sherlock Holmes, one of literature's first investigators. He is the archetype of the superhero: a being powerful through his sense of deduction, but disarmed in the face of everyday life.

The book you could reread a hundred times?

The horde of the windshield, a science fiction novel by Alain Damasio. An elite group, commissioned to find the origin of the wind that sweeps the desert, goes through the worst trials thanks to brotherhood. This is the only book I wanted to start again the second I finished it.

The place you'll never get tired of?

Venice which, despite mass tourism, still offers a dive into the Renaissance. Entering a church, at the bend of a street, you can come across a masterpiece by Carpaccio or Bellini.

The person who meant the most in your family?

My parents, to whom I owe my heterogeneous culture. Son of a mother who loved literature and a father who was crazy about jazz, I was destined for rhetoric, the art of words set to music.

A gesture of happy sobriety?

Each time I succeed in aligning my actions with my values. Since I became vegetarian, I feel better connected to life. I am also careful to buy clothes from countries where labor laws exist.

Which beauty will save the world?

Everyone can be transformed by a beauty that hits them. But only collective struggles will change the world.

An inspired place where you like to take refuge?

On the grass, under the starry sky, facing the infinitely great.

You are offered immortality. Do you sign?

I sign! To relieve myself of the pressure of passing time, often stimulating, but sometimes heavy. Thus freed, I will be able to think about what I want to accomplish, with complete peace of mind.

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