Mgr Ulrich “The Catholic community is up to the challenges”

Mgr Ulrich “The Catholic community is up to the challenges”

In a press release published on March 5, Mgr Ulrich added:

“There is much sadness and bitterness in considering the vote of Parliament meeting in Congress, for what this vote ultimately translates: the refusal to welcome life is now established as a fundamental principle of the Republic. And if we thus despise the unborn child, we also know that there are, at the other end of existence, people who are too old, too alone, too poor or too sick, of whom we will not miss soon to say – which is already being said! – that the most noble and fraternal gesture would be, for them too, to hasten their end. Bishops, we are not the only ones to express our concern on this subject for years now . Allow me to say that our expression, mine, is not that of men who believe they know better than women what rights should be theirs and how they can exercise them. Quite the contrary, it is that of pastors who live alongside the women and men of their time; the suffering and anguish that cross their lives are neither unknown nor indifferent to us. Thus, it was Simone Veil who underlined, fifty years ago, “that no woman resorts to abortion willingly”. With citizens of all sides who want to continue to bear, beyond partisan opportunism, the testimony of the insurmountable dignity of all life, we also believe that no one, whatever their choices, can and must not be summarized or reduced to his actions. On the other hand, we consider it our responsibility to question our society. How can we talk about freedom if abortion is, ultimately, the only option promoted? Should we stop there and be satisfied with this state of affairs?”

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