what Emmanuel Macron says in a podcast

what Emmanuel Macron says in a podcast

“France, we sometimes forget, was torn for centuries between Protestants and Catholics. And when she knew how to make them live together she was stronger. » These are the words of Emmanuel Macron, who chose to speak for nearly two hours at the microphone of the creator and host of the podcast “Génération Do It Yourself”, Matthieu Stefani, in a program posted online on Monday, June 24.

A few days before the first round of the legislative elections which he called by dissolving the National Assembly on June 9, the President of the Republic responded to a question relating to the antagonism of religious convictions in France. “If we follow your reasoning to the end, the country explodes or there is civil war, replied Emmanuel Macron. And that’s my big disagreement with the two extremes and those who follow them. And that’s what I want to alert people to. »

“Returning people to their religious or community affiliation” – a source of civil war?

“There are many of our compatriots who are of Muslim faith, and/or from an immigrant background (…) who are afraid of the far right; who say to themselves “the Republic does not give me my place”, and who are moving towards an offer which is a form of communitarianism. Because it no longer assumes the framework of secularism, which is a neutral and benevolent republic for religions; it locks them into a communitarianism which is somewhat electoral,” explained the President of the Republic.

“But that’s also the civil war behind it. Because it is first of all referring people exclusively to their religious or community affiliation. This is to justify their distancing in some way from the national community. And it’s civil war with people who don’t share these values (…) “, did he develop.

“In today’s conception of La France insoumise, there is that. And I think that’s a danger. And that’s why I think that both the National Rally and La France insoumise respond to real problems, real anger, real anxieties, those of the person who says to themselves: “We’re not responding to my security problem”, the one who says: “I am not recognized and protected because I am Muslim.” But they respond badly in my eyes because they respond in some way by increasing conflict and civil war. I believe that there is a response through greater efficiency but in the Republic”he concluded.

France, “a great river”, which “comes from very far”, with “plenty of tributaries”

Emmanuel Macron also accepted the fact that there are different religious sensitivities in his country. “People will want to express their religion in a major rather than a minor key. And it is rather a strength in the Republic to have this diversity”, he added, comparing France to “a great river”Who “comes from very far away”with “full of tributaries”. The President of the Republic then returned to the period of the Wars of Religion between Protestants and Catholics, which were overcome. “I do not believe at all and I will fight with all my strength the theories of civil war,” he assured.

Matthieu Stefani then questioned Emmanuel Macron on the theory of the great replacement. “I am quite amazed by the strength she takes, added the host. I know intelligent people who are obsessed with that, the idea of ​​saying that there is a great Muslim design which is to spread throughout all Western economies, in France…”

Secularism, a tool for integration

“There is a feeling of loss of control and end of progress,” replied the president, referring to “deindustrialization” and the “existential doubt for a people”. To address this concern, “we must regain control of the immigration suffered, reduce illegal immigration because it impoverishes us, it makes everyone unhappy, regain control over these flows”, he added. “And we need to integrate better. We must be hospitable and also able to integrate. »

To “integrate better”, Emmanuel Macron intends to rely on “school, learning and the economy”. “But we must also integrate better and better through republican rites, through culture, by being much more demanding,” and by ” laicity “, he assured. Secularism is, for the president, “a way of saying: ‘You arrive, you may have a religion that is different, I allow you to practice it at home, but I want you to be able to integrate completely into the country, so perhaps you should not practice it in the same way.” »

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