Discover the benefits of this prophetic tradition
Many ignore the benefits of sahour which is a prophetic tradition very important when month of Ramadan. So much so that our noble Prophet (‘alayhi salat wa salam) enjoined it on the fasting person and strongly recommended it.
Especially since in practice, after a few short hours of rest, this meal has enormous virtues. Indeed, it will restore strength in order to face a new day filled with acts of worship and beneficial occupations.
This is why Islam Oumma deemed it appropriate, as Ramadan approaches, to share with you a few points on this subject… Follow us!
The benefits of sahur: what is sahur?
You will only be able to obtain the benefits of suhour by first knowing what it is. First of all, it has other names such as sahur, suhur, suhur or dawn meal. And in fact, it is a light meal established for fasters Muslim, just before dawn.
Likewise, its importance is such that it contains a blessing and thus allows you to better prepare yourself physically for fasting.
A sunnah established to differentiate itself from the People of the Book
Also, this sunnah was established with the aim of differentiating itself from the people of the Book. Indeed, it came to make an obvious distinction between the fasting of Muslims and that of supporters of other religions.
All the benefits of sahour that every Muslim should know
A blessing
Our Prophet (‘alahi salat wa salam) first of all informed us about the beneficial power it contains, thanks to Allah.
“Suhour is entirely a blessing, do not neglect it, even if one of you only takes a sip of water; for, surely, Allah and his angels pray on those who take suhur.”
In fact, Allah’s prayer is to mention His servant to the angels who are close to him. Likewise, the prayer of angels consists of making invocations for this servant. And this alone represents a great blessing and honor to the believer. Also, the blessing contained in the sahour includes:
- First of all, it is the following of the sunnah, then a differentiation with the People of the Book;
- Also, it is a source of strength and significant contribution to fasting in good conditions, for young and old;
- Likewise, it is a cause in order to obtain mercy from Allah and to renew one’s intention to fast. Thus, the Muslim emerges from the differences between scholars and moves away from what is doubtful;
- Finally, eating this meal will preserve the fasting person’s ability to manage their hunger. Thus, it will reduce its impact, such as mood swings or possible behavioral deviations.
What foods should you choose to obtain the benefits of sahour?
Certainly, the Prophet (‘alayhi salat wa salam) strongly recommended fasting people to eat something at suhur.
- It is meritorious to consume dates in suhur
In this sense, the Prophet (‘alayhi salat wa salam) said: “What good suhour for the believer are dates.”
- A sip of water is enough!
Indeed, the Prophet (‘alayhi salat wa salam) enjoined us to perform suhour, even if only with a sip of water.
The sunnah is to delay sahur until dawn approaches.
Today, we see that many fasters set a time limit for themselves which they call “imsak”. Indeed, they stop eating and drinking, generally 5 to 20 minutes, before the dawn adhan.
Now, this can fall within the framework of exaggeration and innovation, if people believe in its institution. On the contrary, it is necessary to delay this meal, as close as possible to the adan of dawn.
As proof, the Prophet (‘alayhi salat wa salam) said: “If one of you hears the adhan while the container is in his hand, then he should not put it down until ‘he has consumed what he needs.’
In support of this, the fasting person does not have to spit out the drink or food he consumed at the time of the adhan. Rather, he can finish the container he holds in his hand at that precise moment.