Paray-le-Monial offers a jubilee journey to pilgrims

Paray-le-Monial offers a jubilee journey to pilgrims

“Returning love for love” was the theme chosen for this Great Jubilee, which celebrates 350 years of the multiple apparitions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ to the mystic Saint Marguerite-Marie Alacoque (1647-1690). At the edge of it, the sanctuary of Paray-le-Monial has created a route in four stages, passing through the Porte Jubilaire and the chapel of the Apparitions, where Saint Marguerite-Marie Alacoque rests, to consecrate herself to the Sacred -Heart of Jesus. Accompanied by a prayer of consecration to this “Heart which so loved Men”, the faithful are invited to reflect on their lives, return to God and welcome his love and forgiveness. And to thus enter the Heart of Jesus to be renewed in depth in his baptized life. The jubilee is accompanied by a plenary indulgence.

A four-step journey to sanctify oneself

To go towards this Heart, like Marguerite-Marie, in the 17th century, four stages are proposed, within the town of Paray-le-Monial, alternating biblical words, mystical texts and prayers.

  • 1st step : Visit to the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Paray-le-Monial

After their arrival in Paray-le-Monial, pilgrims are invited to enter the basilica. Inside, they must let themselves be captivated by the beauty and harmony of this majestic building. Sitting on the benches, they will then be able to meditate on the grace of the sacred and make an inner retrospect since their baptism. Finally, after reading a biblical passage and an extract from Marguerite-Marie's memoirs, pilgrims will have to profess their faith with an I believe in God. By joining the second stage, they will be able to tell their rosary. On the large grain of the ten, say: “Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like yours” and on each small grain repeat: “Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you and I love you “.

  • 2nd step : Visit to the Saint-Jean chapel in Paray-le-Monial

Arriving there, pilgrims are invited to let themselves be touched by the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Through adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, they must meditate on the biblical texts and those of Marguerite-Marie to let themselves be touched by the burning love of Jesus, and thus love him. Then, pilgrims will have to pray the Prayer to the Holy Trinity, taught by the Virgin in Fátima (Portugal). By joining the third stage, they will be able to say their rosary as before.

  • 3rd step : Visit to the Apparitions Chapel of Paray-le-Monial

This stage is the very heart of the spiritual approach of the Great Jubilee and of this journey. Before entering this chapel where Jesus revealed his Sacred Heart to Saint Margaret Mary, pilgrims must pause. A few moments later, they will pass through the Jubilee Door, a sign of entry into the Heart of Jesus to make their home there filled with ardent love. Inside, pilgrims will dedicate their own hearts to Jesus, and thus, their entire lives. By reaching the last stage, they will be able to tell their rosary as before.

  • 4th step : Visit to the La Colombière chapel in Paray-le-Monial

Upon entering the chapel, pilgrims are invited to give thanks for the consecration to the Sacred Heart. They will have to meditate on what their new life will now be accompanied by Christ. After having prayed the act of trust of Saint Claude, the “perfect friend” of Marguerite-Marie, the faithful must gather near the tabernacle and pray for the intentions of the pope. They will end their prayer with an Our Father and a Hail Mary.

A plenary indulgence at the end of the course

Once the journey is completed, a plenary indulgence can be granted to the faithful, with the usual conditions requested by the Holy See: confess, receive communion and pray for the intentions of the pope. It can only be received during the 350th anniversary, from December 27, 2023 to June 27, 2025.

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