the flagship measures of the different political camps scrutinized
At the heart of an electric campaign, Le Pèlerin offers you a ranking of the key measures proposed.
Methodology of our ranking
For our ranking of the measures proposed by the three major groups, we have chosen the themes corresponding to the major concerns of the French: purchasing power, immigration, ecology and international issues.
LR, too fractured, was dismissed.
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Repeal of the pension reform
Evasive at first, Jordan Bardella then assured that he would return to this measure adopted in 2023. Except that his Republican ally, Éric Ciotti – support of this reform – blurted out: “It is not said that ( it) will be repealed. » The RN also promises that French people who started working before the age of 20 will be able to retire at 60 if they have contributed 40 years. A measure which would cost 10 billion euros per year, according to the party. 17 billion, according to the Institut Montaigne, a liberal think tank.
No to “punitive ecology”
The far-right party has made no official announcement on the environmental aspect. We can just refer to his previous positions: no to wind power or the ban on thermal cars in the European Union for 2035, for example. Many associations fear that the RN will put a stop to the programs launched.
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Removal of land rights
Flagship measure of the RN, it would in reality be partial. Children born to at least one French parent could continue to automatically access French nationality. On the other hand, those with two foreign parents would be forced to wait until they turn 18 to apply for it. This reform would require the approval of the Council of State at the end of a long process.
Ambiguous support for Ukraine
Jordan Bardella is harsher towards the Russian regime than his mentor Marine Le Pen, but during the European elections he nominated candidates openly close to Vladimir Putin, such as Thierry Mariani. And the party still opposes economic sanctions against Russia.
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Reduced VAT on energy
First emergency measure announced by the RN in the event of victory, this reduction in VAT from 20% to 5.5% would concern electricity, gas, fuel oil and fuel. It would cost 17 billion euros to public finances according to the Ministry of the Economy. Problem: it would benefit wealthy households as much as the poorest. Another problem: fuel oil and motor fuels do not appear in the list of products for which Member States have the right to impose a reduced rate.
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Energy climate programming law
A blind spot of the New Popular Front, France’s energy orientation will have to be debated in the National Assembly. Nuclear power, a taboo subject in this alliance, is not mentioned in the left-wing program. And for good reason, La France insoumise and the ecologists are firmly opposed to it while the socialists and communists are in favor of it. “The program does not revisit the differences that we may have on a certain number of subjects, nor does it eliminate them,” indicated Manuel Bompard.
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Repeal of immigration laws
The left alliance wants to repeal the immigration law adopted by the government at the end of 2023. It plans to “regularize workers, students and parents of school children”, to introduce the ten-year residence permit as a reference residence permit or even to create a “climate displaced person status”. So many measures which question our reception capacities while 2023 was a record year for asylum requests and the number of residence permits issued in France.
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Smic at 1,600 euros net
Purchasing power is at the heart of the program, with the increase in the minimum wage to 1,600 euros net, the indexation of salaries to inflation and a 10% increase in the index point for civil servants. Oppositions criticize this potential expenditure, because it could worsen the public deficit which stands at 5.5% of GDP in 2023. France is also the target of a disciplinary procedure by the European Commission. In response, the former general budget rapporteur of the hemicycle, the outgoing PS MP Valérie Rabault, herself puts these expenses at 50 billion euros.
Support for Ukraine and recognition of the State of Palestine
Divided before these anticipated legislative elections, the left has chosen clarity on France’s role in international conflicts. She “unwaveringly defends the sovereignty and freedom of the Ukrainian people” and the “delivery of necessary weapons”. In the Middle East, she wants to immediately recognize the State of Palestine alongside Israel and order an end to sending weapons to the Jewish state. It remains to be seen whether it will remain united over the long term.
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Indexing of pensions to inflation
Gabriel Attal promised “systematic” indexation of pensions to inflation. A provision already provided for by the Social Security code. However, the executive has sometimes deviated from this and under-indexed the revaluation of pensions. The Prime Minister also announces “a 15% reduction in electricity bills from next winter”, the tripling of the ceiling of the “Macron bonus” and an exemption from “notary fees” for the purchase of a first home of less than 250,000 euros. But then again, where can we find the money when the coffers are known to be empty?
20% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2027
One of the Prime Minister’s rare announcements on the ecological front is a commitment: to reduce CO2 emissions by 20% by 2027. An objective for which the majority has not detailed the path and which seems audacious given the fact that between 2015 and 2023, this figure has only decreased by a little more than 10%.
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Status quo on immigration
Gabriel Attal takes up the measures contained in the Darmanin law. Adopted via article 49.3 in December 2023, the text was partially rejected by the Constitutional Council. The Prime Minister also promises to strengthen control of unaccompanied minors.
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International continuity
Here, the presidential camp is banking on the continuity of its action which aims to be pro-European, unambiguous on military support for Ukraine and measured on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. After initially recognizing the Jewish state’s right to self-defense, Emmanuel Macron is now calling for a ceasefire and diplomacy. “There is no taboo for France and I am totally ready to recognize a Palestinian state but (…) I consider that this recognition must come at a useful time,” he declared at a press conference, last May.