Why and how should I inform myself during the Time for Creation?

Why and how should I inform myself during the Time for Creation?


  • The country’s waterways form a network of more than 270,000 km.

Half of renewable fresh water is generated in winter. Agriculture represents the leading water consuming activity with 57%. of the total, ahead of drinking water consumption (26%), cooling of power plants (12%) and industrial uses (5%). A French person consumes on average 146 liters of drinking water every day.

  • The pollution of waterways and groundwater (by pesticides, agricultural nitrates and everyday chemicals), and increasingly hot summers constitute a danger for aquatic animals. More than 1,300 species of animals live there. In 2020, a fifth of them were extinct or threatened with extinction.

Sources: Eau France, Key figures on water and aquatic environments from the Ministry of Ecological Transition and the French Biodiversity Office.

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