After her 12th pilgrimage, this 74-year-old from Sarthe gives us a humble and inspiring vision of the paths

After her 12th pilgrimage, this 74-year-old from Sarthe gives us a humble and inspiring vision of the paths

What made you want to hit the road at 59?

It all started the day when, in Sarthe, I wanted to push open the door of a church without being aware of it at the time. Ten years later, an ordeal (like those that forever mark a life) made me want to leave. A leak? No, a release. My career having ended on February 28, 2009, I wasted no time in setting out for the tomb of Saint James on March 28 of the same year. And that was a revelation.

You always left home. For what?

Because I can’t imagine it any other way. Indeed, I wanted to pilgrimage “the old-fashioned way” and in the past, pilgrims always left home. From the moment I closed my door, I was on a pilgrimage.

What pilgrimages have you made in France?

Lourdes (Saint Bernadette), Montpellier (Saint Roch), Lisieux (Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus), Avila (Saint Thérèse), Dijon (Saint Elisabeth of the Trinity), Lalouvesc (Saint Jean-François Régis).

And abroad?

In Spain, Compostela (Saint James) and Segovia (Saint John of the Cross). In Italy, San Giovanni Rotondo (Saint Padre Pio), Padua (Saint Anthony) and Assisi (Saint Francis). Finally, in Poland, Krakow (Saint Faustina).

How did you choose these destinations?

For the paths of Saint-Jacques, we only talk about them! For others, it was following strong and concrete signs thanks to which inextricable situations were resolved. For example, a dream, as was the case for Assisi. Generally, I left to thank the saint for his intervention.

Which one did you prefer?

It is difficult to make a choice. The saints all have their qualities and they have all contributed their contribution to the Church. However, the longer the distance, the closer I get to the essential.

During these pilgrimages, where did you sleep? Have you planned your accommodation?

When I close the door of my house, I have planned nothing other than my itinerary written down on a paper, from town to town or from village to village. Every day and every evening, it is divine Providence that takes care of my needs and I have never been disappointed. I sleep most often with locals, and sometimes, in the summer, I bivouac because I always have a tent in my bag.

Have you always made your pilgrimages on foot?

Up to 70 years old, yes. Then, age taught me ever more humility. I never hitchhike and don’t ask to be taken but if someone offers it to me, I no longer refuse. An example comes to mind. One evening, in Spain, I was very tired and the coolness of the evening was falling. I was going to an unknown city. I prayed to St. John of the Cross and other saints for a car to stop and take me to this town. Half an hour later, a car stopped and the driver took me to my destination.

On a daily basis, I believe, you live in sobriety, outside of modernity. Can you give us some examples?

I set the electric meter to minimum. I don’t have hot water on the tap: it’s on the wood stove; This stove also allows me to cook. In the summer, I cook on the gas and take cold showers. I have a solar panel with storage battery (power 100 w). I produce my vegetables and in all areas, I only buy what is useful. I don’t have a television. The more I strip myself, the closer I get to what I believe.

When you return, how do you share what you experienced?

Each time I do a slideshow with commentary in a church and in a public space. During these sessions, I speak from the heart and the listeners are generally amazed when listening to my stories.

Can you give any advice to pilgrims planning their next trip?

Above all, don’t hesitate! It doesn’t matter which way, but let them go… They can pick up advice from right and left (in particular, for the paths of Saint-Jacques, from the Jacobean associations) to reassure themselves before taking the first step.

Do you have any travel plans and writing projects?

I don’t plan to leave: I leave when I feel the need, when I sense a calling. As for the writing project, it’s “on the way”!

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