Amandine Geers' recipe for citrus carpaccio with pistachio nuts

Amandine Geers’ recipe for citrus carpaccio with pistachio nuts

Every week our culinary columnist Amandine Geers offers you a tasty recipe.

  • Preparation. 30 minutes.
  • For 3-4 people. 1 pomelo – 2 blood oranges – 1 lime – coriander or chervil.
  • For the sauce. 1 clove of garlic – 6 tbsp. to s. olive oil – 20 pistachios – salt and pepper (preferably timut) from the mill.
  1. Start by preparing the sauce: peel, degerm and press the garlic clove into the oil. Salt and pepper. Shell the pistachios, roughly chop them and set them aside.
  2. Peel the pomelo and oranges so as to remove all the zist (the bitter white part under the skin), then cut them into very thin slices.
  3. Keep the lime peel if you want a firmer texture under the tooth. Otherwise, peel it raw like pomelo and oranges. Cut it into very thin slices.
  4. Arrange the citrus slices in a dish. Drizzle with sauce and sprinkle with pieces of pistachios.
  5. Salt lightly and pepper generously. Add coriander or chervil and, if you have them, chopped Moroccan black olives.

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