Amandine Geers’ recipe for citrus carpaccio with pistachio nuts
Every week our culinary columnist Amandine Geers offers you a tasty recipe.
- Preparation. 30 minutes.
- For 3-4 people. 1 pomelo – 2 blood oranges – 1 lime – coriander or chervil.
- For the sauce. 1 clove of garlic – 6 tbsp. to s. olive oil – 20 pistachios – salt and pepper (preferably timut) from the mill.
- Start by preparing the sauce: peel, degerm and press the garlic clove into the oil. Salt and pepper. Shell the pistachios, roughly chop them and set them aside.
- Peel the pomelo and oranges so as to remove all the zist (the bitter white part under the skin), then cut them into very thin slices.
- Keep the lime peel if you want a firmer texture under the tooth. Otherwise, peel it raw like pomelo and oranges. Cut it into very thin slices.
- Arrange the citrus slices in a dish. Drizzle with sauce and sprinkle with pieces of pistachios.
- Salt lightly and pepper generously. Add coriander or chervil and, if you have them, chopped Moroccan black olives.