Discover the 7 chakras
Chakras: from East to West.
We often hear about them but we do not necessarily know what they correspond to; they are the chakras, which at best are known to be associated with the energy in our body.
The term “chakra” comes to us straight from India; it is a Sanskrit term meaning wheel.
In Eastern culture, spirituality and chakras are strongly linked: for Buddhists, chakras are of fundamental importance; originally, the word also symbolized Buddha.
The Buddhists consider that without a spiritual work the chakras are like locked: the spiritual energy, known as kundalini, will only be released once sincere spiritual work has been carried out; it is this same energy which makes it possible to release, to make active each chakra.
A chakra can therefore be defined as a center of energy; it is also linked to the aura since the latter represents the energy field that envelops the entire human body.
For centuries, the chakras were unknown in the West; integral part of the oriental culture where the energy centers are at the heart of both traditional Chinese and Indian medicine (traditional Indian medicine is designated by the termayurveda), the chakras have been in vogue in the West for a few years.
If we hear more and more about the chakras, this is linked to the development and success of so-called energy treatments that contribute to the well-being of each individual: when we talk about energy treatments, magnetic treatments or even the vibratory rate, we simply evoke the chakras.
Western people are no longer closed to the idea of the existence of energy bodies and, in addition to the success of treatments focused on energy centers, there is also a growing interest in knowing and discovering the chakras.
If there are more than 80,000 chakras, everyone agrees that there are 7 main ones.
Each of its chakras is important for the functioning of the human body, for the well-being of everyone.
The chakras each have their own characteristic, they are assimilated to a specific emotional and physical function; a color and an element are associated with each chakra.
If a color is associated with each chakra, it is related to the fact that in Hindu culture, it is believed that the color of light energy, in this case the color white, penetrates our aura by breaking down into seven colors which are those of the rainbow.
Let’s take an overview of the 7 chakras that are located along the spine.
First chakra: The root chakra
The root chakra says muladhara or even the first chakra is located at the base of the spine, at the level of the coccyx.
Base of the spinal column, this chakra is therefore the seat of energy and that is why the element attached to it is that of the earth.
Remember that the spine is the link between the earth and the sky.
This first chakra is therefore fundamental since it is what connects us to the earth and gives us a feeling of security and stability.
Linked to the earth element, it allows us to “keep our feet on the ground” and it is he who influences our relationship to the material world and therefore to money.
If this chakra is unbalanced, the person will feel insecure; she will be anxious and unstable; physically, this will result in fragility.
The person whose 1er chakra is unbalanced will fall ill more easily: this imbalance is associated with digestive and intestinal disorders but also joint pain; the imbalance of the root chakra is also the one that provides a feeling of lack of energy, which can be responsible for depression: the person will tend to complain about his life and to “eat” the energy of others.
If, on the other hand, this chakra is open, the person will have confidence in his abilities, in life; she will be a stable person and will consider herself fulfilled.
This chakra represents vital energy, so it is not surprising that red, the color that gives vitality and courage, is associated with it.
To stimulate this chakra, it is advisable to walk barefoot, to take walks, to be in contact with nature.
Second Chakra: The Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra says ” Svadhishthana is located below the navel, so it is also called the sex chakra.
Associated with the element “water” and the color “orange”, it is above all linked to fertility, procreation and therefore to the act of creation.
Beyond procreation, it is the one who influences our creative spirit but also our emotions and our relationships with others, more specifically with those of the opposite sex.
When balanced, this chakra allows one to be creative, dynamic and spontaneous.
At puberty, it can be too open, overdeveloped and can destabilize the person.
Too open, this chakra will lead to an addiction to sex and can be a source of aggression or excessive ambition.
Conversely, if it is closed, it will cause sexual blockages but also shyness and withdrawal.
To stimulate this chakra, various actions can be carried out: let us quote for example walks at the edge of the water but also the fact of taking a bath or taking care of oneself.
Associated with the color orange, eating foods bearing this color also stimulates this chakra.
Third Chakra: The solar plexus chakra
As its name suggests, this third chakra is located at the level of the solar plexus, that is to say above the stomach.
Also known as manipura chakrait is associated with the color yellow and has the element of fire.
Like the color with which it is associated, it is the one that allows us to shine because it corresponds to the development of the “me”, that is to say that it is the one that allows us to choose, to have confidence in ourselves. , simply to assert themselves.
It is this chakra that influences our personality.
Too open, it will be at the origin of an oversized ego; if a person always wants to be right, if he wants to control everything, it’s because his third chakra is too developed.
Conversely, if it is closed, it will lead to a lack of confidence; the person in whom it is poorly developed will tend to submit.
Source of well-being, it occupies a fundamental place for our body since it is the one that allows us to transform our food into energy; in case of imbalance of the third chakra, digestive disorders will manifest.
To stimulate it, actions such as observing a sunrise or sunset or contemplating a low fire can be performed.
Fourth Chakra: The heart chakra
The Heart Chakra, in Sanskrit anahatais located on the chest, just above the heart.
Associated with the element “air” and the color green, it is the center of the chakra system since it provides the connection between the three lower chakras and the three upper, therefore upper, chakras.
This fourth chakra is the one that determines our ability to love: to love others but also to love ourselves and to feel loved.
Balanced, this chakra allows us to be open to others, to be able to feel compassion.
He is also the one who allows us to give, to be generous.
Too open, it can either lead to narcissism or lead to being too devoted to others even if it means forgetting oneself.
Closed, it makes the person vulnerable, dependent on the love of others and promotes withdrawal into oneself as romantic but also friendly and social relationships are difficult.
Considering where he is physically, he is the one who affects our respiratory problems.
To stimulate this chakra, there is nothing like expressing your feelings or doing what is important to you.
Fifth chakra: The neck chakra
The fifth chakra, vishuddha in Sanskrit, is located at the level of the throat.
Like the heart chakra, it has air as its element; the color it is associated with is blue.
Located at the level of the throat, it is the one that plays on our ability to communicate.
This communication necessarily involves speaking but also knowing how to listen.
Given where it is physically located, it has an influence on the thyroid and the vocal cords.
Balanced, it allows you to express yourself in society in a calm voice, on the other hand if it is too developed, it can generate stormy dialogues and will lead to a certain arrogance.
Conversely, if it is blocked, closed, the person will be shy, rather silent and introverted.
To stimulate this chakra naturally, nothing like singing.
Sixth Chakra: The Frontal Chakra
The frontal chakra, which bears the Sanskrit name of ajna, is also known as the third eye because it is located between the two eyebrows.
Having “light” as its element and indigo blue as its color, it is the one that allows us to concentrate but above all to become aware of our deep nature: it is the link between our consciousness and our intellectual faculties.
Considered the seat of the soul, the third eye requires significant spiritual research work and is rarely very developed.
Balanced, it allows you to be clairvoyant and to have intuition.
This chakra is inseparable from the other six, its development requires that the other chakras be harmonized because otherwise if it is the only one to be too developed, it will lead to contemptuous attitudes, the person in whom the “third eye” is too developed will tend to feel superior to others.
Conversely, if this chakra is closed, the material needs will dominate the person.
Physically, an imbalance of this chakra will be the source of eye problems but can also cause headaches.
To stimulate it naturally, looking at the stars is recommended.
Seventh chakra: The crown chakra
The crown chakra called “sahasrara” or crown chakra is located at the top of the skull.
Associated with the element “thought” (we also speak of inner light) and the color “violet”, it is linked to the first chakra and ensures the connection upwards, that is to say with the universe, the cosmos (while the first ensures the connection with the earth).
Ensuring the link with the cosmos, it is the one that allows you to free your thoughts, your beliefs and allows you to realize yourself.
To live in harmony, these 7 chakras must be open and balanced; to open the chakras meditation but also lithotherapy are two solutions to explore.
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