How to properly consume nuts, allies of our health and the environment?
What are the benefits of nuts for our health and for the planet?
A handful per day*, Public Health France recommends regarding the consumption of unsalted nuts, hazelnuts, almonds and pistachios. The reason? Their high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids (especially omega 3 in nuts) and proteins makes them good allies for reduce animal proteins on our plates.
However, French short circuits cannot compete with international imports. The French walnut is struggling to face Chinese competition. As for almonds, global demand for which has exploded in twenty years, California meets 80% of it, at the cost of intensive agriculture that consumes water in a region prone to drought. French nut sectors are trying to organize themselves to revive crops and adapt to climate change which is harming Mediterranean orchards. We, consumers, have the power to support them. While taking care of our health.
*Either approximately 20 g, or 20 to 30 fruits depending on their size.
Sources: France Amande, Ministry of Agriculture, France Pistache union.