how to spend a united New Year's Eve? 4 initiatives to get you started

how to spend a united New Year’s Eve? 4 initiatives to get you started

Many town halls and associations organize solidarity New Year’s Eves, in order to restore the taste of celebration to isolated people. Overview of these XXL Christmases.

The Little Brothers of the Poor

The association Les Petits Frères des Pauvres, which fights against the isolation of the elderly, is well known for its solidarity New Years. Its employees and volunteers organize collective meals every year, on December 24 and 25, throughout France. Depending on local branches, you will be invited to have lunch in a castle, or to attend a magic show.

Catholic Relief

The Christian charity Le Secours catholique is also setting up a “FraterNoël” operation throughout France. Its local teams therefore have the opportunity to offer a festive meal between December 23 and 25. In Paris, Secours catholique traditionally gathers its guests on the banks of the Seine on New Year’s Eve. Coming from Île-de-France, families and isolated individuals meet on board six barges, specially chartered for the occasion.


Some municipalities organize New Year’s Eve celebrations for isolated and precarious people, such as the city of Lille (North). Others entrust the organization of these meals to the municipal social action centers (CCAS), which support the inhabitants of the municipality. Most often, these New Year’s Eves are intended for singles and families in precarious situations.

Local associations

The Fondation de France’s philanthropy network finances “Solidarity Awakenings” each year for hundreds of neighborhood associations. In Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône), for example, the Friday the 13th association is organizing a festive evening on December 24, with gifts and Santa Claus himself. Some third places also offer shared Christmases, such as Le Foussa, in Rognes (Bouches-du-Rhône).

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