Martyrs of Damascus, Joseph Allamano, Elena Guerra… 14 blessed will be canonized on October 20
On the morning of July 1, 2024, Pope Francis gathered around thirty cardinals around him at the Vatican. During a public ordinary consistory, the prelates confirmed the canonization of 15 blesseds. Fourteen of them will be canonized on October 20. As for Carlo Acutis, whose canonization was announced on May 23, the long-awaited date remains unknown to this day.
- Three founders of religious communities :
Three eminent religious figures in their time will be canonized. They were the initiators of religious communities. First, the Italian priest Joseph Allamano. He founded the Consolata Missionaries in 1901, then the Consolata Sisters in 1910. Two communities dedicated to the evangelization of the poorest in mission lands. He was beatified by John Paul II in 1990.
Also included is the Italian Elena Guerra, a nun committed to the cause of women. Devoted to the Holy Spirit, she created the Oblates of the Holy Spirit. A congregation for the promotion and education in the Holy Spirit. She was beatified by Saint John XXIII in 1959.
Finally, the Canadian Marie-Léonie Paradis will also be canonized. Founder of the Little Sisters of the Holy Family in 1880, the nun will invest herself with the young people of schools, colleges and seminaries. She was beatified in 1984 by Pope John Paul in Montreal, during his trip to Canada.
Also proclaimed saints were the martyrs of Damascus: Manuel Ruiz Lopez and seven of his Franciscan companions, as well as three Maronites, Brothers Francis, Mooti and Raphael Massabki. In July 1860, these eleven men were assassinated in the Franciscan monastery of Bab-Touma, in Damascus (Syria). The assassination was carried out by Shiite Druze Muslims, in a context of anti-Christian persecution.
These fourteen canonizations will take place on October 20, 2024, during the last session of the Synod on “synodality.” That of the young Carlo Acutis will take place later. Probably during the Jubilee of 2025, with other canonizations.