On France 5, December 27, a magnificent documentary on the treasures of French abbeys and cathedrals
In partnership with Pilgrim (and with the participation of our journalist Sophie Laurant, major history and heritage reporter), the first of the two new articles offered this year focuses on the birth of abbeys in our territory; as well as the establishment of the monastic tradition which has lasted for sixteen centuries in some, the influence that others, formerly considered as transmitters of culture, were able to exert on the whole of Europe and their role in the history of France.
While visiting the royal abbey of Val-de-Grâce in Paris, Sophie Jovillard opens the doors of those of Lérins (Alpes-Maritimes, photo), Fleury (Loiret), Cluny (Saône-et-Loire), Saint-Martin -du-Canigou (Pyrénées-Orientales), Notre-Dame-de-Sénanque (Vaucluse), Fontenay (Côte-d’Or) and Fontevraud (Maine-et-Loire).
To this rich theme is added that which allows us to evoke the work of Goudji, a famous goldsmith specializing in liturgical furniture, that of Maison Lorin (stained glass company founded in 1863) and the extraordinary collection of liturgical vestments preserved at the Musée de the Visitation in Moulins (Allier).
Our opinion: PPP