Our selection of 4 books that explore the power of creativity

Our selection of 4 books that explore the power of creativity

Through the beyond

Orphic Suite. 99 Quatrains
by François Cheng
Ed. Gallimard, 160 p. ; €17.50.

An immense poet of Chinese origin, François Cheng offers a sublime collection of 99 haikus rooted in his triple ancestry: Taoist, Greek, Christian. Evoking the dead and the living, the divine and the Way, the poet places himself in the wake of Orpheus, a hero of Greek mythology who, through excess of love, cannot save his beloved from hell, because he turns around to contemplate her. The myth of Orpheus has become a human song that, beyond death, connects souls.

Like him, François Cheng turns around and graces us with an elevation: “Let us not forget our dead nor our own death; it is the duty to die that pushes us towards momentum. From the unspeakable to song our voice is orphic, transmuting the absent into ardent presences. » So is the first quatrain. The sequel to the addendum. A splendor.


Our opinion: PPP

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