Our selection of 7 graphic stories on History to read as a family

Our selection of 7 graphic stories on History to read as a family

Lisou under the Occupation

When night falls. Lisou, by Marion Achard and Toni Galmés, Ed. Delcourt, 128 p.; €20.50. Ages 11 and up.

In 1944, Lisou Veil, 11 years old, and her older sister Mylaine, two sisters from Lorraine, took refuge in a small mountain chalet near Grenoble, when the Gestapo approached. Lisou managed to escape, found her parents, and reached the Swiss border; still feeling guilty today for not having been able to force her sister to flee with her: Mylaine was deported to Drancy. Today, Lisou is 89 years old and… Mylaine, 101 years old! Both confide Lisou’s story to their grand-goddaughter Marion Achard. The soft pastel drawings evoke, at a child’s height, life under the Occupation, the fears, joys and reunions. A second volume will follow, entitled Mylaine. MF

Our opinion: PPP

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