Run and Spi: what if running led to prayer?

Run and Spi: what if running led to prayer?

The runners’ prayer

Lord Jesus,
You who made such a long journey from the Father
to come and pitch your tent among us;
You who were born by chance on a trip,
and ran all the roads,
that of exile,
that of pilgrimages,
that of preaching:
get me out of my selfishness
and my comfort,
make me a real runner.

Lord Jesus,
Help me to persevere, to surpass myself when I run.
Like Blessed Pier-Giorgio Frassati,
give me the strength to always go further,
to draw me ever higher; in the sport,
but also, in my personal life,
within my family and at work.
Allow me to be faithful in my commitments.
Through the intercession of the Virgin Mary,
protect me from injury,
protect my body and my soul.
Please protect at last,
all my sports friends.

Following the example of Saint Bernard,
I have to listen to your word,
I have to let myself be shaken by your love.
Constantly trying to live peacefully,
you ask me to risk my life,
like Abraham, in an act of faith.
Constantly trying to settle down,
you ask me to walk in hope;
towards You the highest peak,
in the glory of the Father.
Created by love, to love,
make me walk, Lord,
that I climb, by the summits
towards You, with all my life,
with all my brothers, with all creation,
in boldness and adoration.

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