“The roots of the European project are Christian”

“The roots of the European project are Christian”

Your job

What was your greatest pride as a European parliamentarian?

Having kept the commitments we made in 2019: by creating the carbon barrier to entry into the European market, the European defense fund, an industrial strategy to rebuild our strategic sectors. Politics is not primarily about words, but about keeping your word.

What was your biggest disappointment as an elected member of Parliament?

On many subjects, we have seen a left-wing majority being built, from the Greens to the Macronist elected officials, which has increased the number of new restrictive standards, on agriculture, transport, housing; and we have often lacked few voices to prevent this drift which seems dangerous to me both for Europe and for the environment, in reality.

What is the first measure you would like to see voted on if you are elected?

Repeal the “Farm to fork” strategy, which should lead to a 10 to 15% drop in agricultural production in Europe, and require that the products we import respect essential environmental standards, to bring about the ecological transition in the rest of the world. world and get out of the unfair competition that is killing our agriculture.

Do you speak one or more foreign languages ​​fluently? If so why ?

English and German.

Your campaign

What is Europe's main challenge today?

Regain control of its destiny by producing again what it needs, to no longer depend on other world powers, stabilize our economy and our social model in the face of geopolitical shocks, preserve our democracies, and restore balance to globalization.

Designate your main opponent from among the other heads of the list.

My opponent is the old scenario that they would like to impose on us, that of an eternal second round of the presidential election where everything would be played out between Emmanuel Macron and the RN. The real democratic divide which structures the debates in the European Parliament is between a left and a right government, the two political forces that count. The French must be able to decide by knowing the reality of the issues.

Given her record, does Ursula von der Leyen deserve to be reappointed?

No, and we clearly assume, like a large part of our European political group, that we will oppose it.

Compared to the last elections in 2019, would you say that France has gained or lost influence within the EU?

She has lost influence. The contradictions between the words and actions of the President of the Republic, and the economic and budgetary decline of the country, have considerably weakened the voice of France. French influence will be played out by the capacity to strengthen the number of elected officials in the large parliamentary groups, in particular that to which LR belongs, the EPP, which will remain the leading political force in Europe.

Should the EU welcome Ukraine into its fold? (If yes, when?)

Europe must welcome Ukraine, but this cannot be done through enlargement, which any sincere observer realizes would completely destabilize all European policies. We propose to structure with the Ukrainians the status of associated state, which would allow shared action in numerous areas of common interest, to become a European state without necessarily being a member state of the EU.

Does Frontex really protect our borders?

Frontex could protect our borders if the left did not refuse to be given a clear mandate to fight against smuggling networks and thus avoid the human tragedies to which they lead.

What priority measure in the European framework to save French farmers?

A double measure: at European level, refrain from importing products that do not respect the same standards as those imposed on our farmers; and at the French level, remove all overtranspositions, these additional standards added by Paris, which create unfair competition in Europe.

What is the first ecological emergency within the EU?

Decarbonize our energy, and finally get all of Europe off coal, which is by far the biggest threat. This involves the electrification of our energy mix, and a considerable increase in the production of carbon-free electricity; This is why I defended nuclear power step by step when it was still strongly opposed. Today we have put Europe back on the right course on this subject.

“Europe has three to five years to prepare for a military attack from Russia,” declared Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas on January 15. What do you think ?

The lesson of history is that you have to prepare for the worst to avoid it. War returns to our world; this requires a real revival of the defense industry in Europe, for which I called five years ago as rapporteur for the European defense fund.

Your sensitivity

What European landscape do you have in your heart?

The unique landscapes of the Atlantic coast, from Brittany to the Basque coast.

What work of art embodies the European spirit for you?

Strasbourg Cathedral.

Which European leader would you like to have a drink with?

Lech Walesa.

For you, does Europe have Christian roots?

Not just for me! These are the roots of Europe and of the European project; and like all roots, they are what we can draw the sap from to move towards the future.

Who would you choose to appear on the next 20 euro note?

Franz Jägerstätter, an Austrian peasant executed for refusing to swear an oath to Hitler. I discovered him through the moving film dedicated to him by Terrence Malick, A hidden life. He is a figure of freedom of conscience from whom Europe should draw inspiration today.

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