What is Mardi Gras?
Mardi Gras is traditionally the time for carnival and pancakes. It marks the eve of the entry into Lent. Shedding light on this festive day.
What is the origin of Mardi Gras?
Mardi Gras is a celebration of Christian origin. It is the last day of a festive period, where we used to eat “fat”, to empty the reserves before Ash Wednesday, which marks the entry into Lent.
What about pancakes?
On Shrove Tuesday, it is also traditional to make pancakes. Quite simply because it was necessary to consume eggs, butter, in short, the “fat” which would not be consumed during Lent.
What happens after?
The next day is the start of Lent, with Ash Wednesday. Forty days of penance (not counting Sundays), until Easter. A period of austerity to prepare to celebrate the Resurrection of Christ.