Watch The Chosen, the hit series about Jesus, and let's talk about it!

Watch The Chosen, the hit series about Jesus, and let’s talk about it!

The Chosen adventure continues. The Pilgrim has already presented this American series evoking the life of Jesus and whose third season will be broadcast in France in the coming weeks. The 4th season is already being produced in the United States and three more are planned at the end of this impressive journey. That’s almost 50 episodes. Unheard of to talk about the life of the Nazarene and his disciples, in accessible language and narrative writing close to current series.

Le Pèlerin invites you to join the adventure over the coming weeks. Because watching episodes together can also spark interesting discussions and increase our knowledge of biblical texts, without forgetting to renew our personal faith: we offer you an evening of discussion, online, around the first two episodes, Wednesday October 18, 2023 hosted by Dominique Lang, Assumptionist religious and journalist at Le Pèlerin.

You are all cordially invited. Only condition: having watched both episodes of season 1 to have a common basis for discussion.

To register, go here.

And what’s next?

Depending on our discussions and our expectations, regular meetings may be offered to continue the adventure after having progressively watched the episodes of the first three seasons of the series. An opportunity can also be to invite friends to join us, especially people who have never opened the Gospel or who have preconceptions about the Christian faith. Let’s meet up to talk about it together.

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