Take part in the “Christmas Meal” story competition
Tell us about a Christmas meal from your childhood !
Bring to life in writing the place in which this Christmas family reunion takes place, as if it were a body. It’s about making this place vibrate, making it breathe, then, as in the theater, bringing characters from your family into this place: first you, child, who will write at the height of a child, you have a camera instead of eyes, a sound jack instead of ears, what do you see? What is the room like, the garden, the dining room…? And now who do you see? How many generations are around the table? Can you describe all this to us, draw out the thread of what constitutes the decorations, the dishes offered on the table?
Immerse your reader in this Christmas meal. Who is speaking? What is he saying to himself? How do you feel “as a child”?
And if… something would disrupt the meal, a word too many, indigestion, innuendoes, a sign of tenderness… Show your reader what’s going on, between the lines. Keep the camera in front of your eyes, what does it see and hear?
It is now a matter of recounting an event that shifts the scene, into excess or into too little…
It’s yours !
How to participate ?
It is very simple ! Write your story in 4500 characters maximum (including spaces) and submit it in the form below before midnight on January 14. Please note, only the first 50 stories received will be read….
The deliberation by the jury and the announcement of the winners is scheduled for January 20, 2024.
The jury is composed of Catherine Lalannejournalist Marion Rollintrainer, Pierre Druart trainer and literary columnist, Stephanie Massoud writing workshop facilitator, Michelle Gasparato psychologist, Marie-France N’Guyen practitioner in transgenerational analysis, Camille Filholeditor, coach and writing workshop facilitator.